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heel pad compactor (N11)
Plantar fascinates producing disabling heel pain is a very common orthopedic problem. The inevitable part of treatment of each patient is to provide a cushioned heel footwear which is not simply interfacing a foam rubber piece between the heel and the ground as the synthetic pad is insufficient to provide real cushioning effect. 'NOA' has designed a 'HEEL PAD COMPACTOR', which prevents spreading and flaring away of the heel fat pad, confines it to its natural position and shape, thus providing a natural, real and effective cushioned interface between the calcaneum and the ground. It can be fitted to any footwear instantaneously.
Instruction :
  • Coat both surfaces with SR adhesive after cleaning.
  • Allow adhesive to dry tacky then press.
  • Desirable to use for both the feet.
Sizes :
  • No. 1 for chappals and sandles of female foot.
  • No. 2 for chappals and sandles of male foot.
  • No. 3 for shoes.
Plantar fascinates producing disabling heel pain is a very common orthopedic problem. Navchetan Orthopedic Appliances offers various types of foot orthotics heel pad compactor and including orthopedic shoes which is useful to reduce heel pain. The orthopedic shoes are desirable to use for both the feet. We also offer other foot orthotics like arch supports for footwear and leg split.
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